Burn Permits


Fire Chief Michael O'Neill would like to advise residents that the open burning season will resume on Wednesday, January 15, 2025. The burning season will run through May 1, 2025. Hours of burning are 10 am to 4 pm. No permits will be issued after 12 pm, (noon).

Fire Department personnel will determine each day whether conditions are safe for open burning. Weather and air quality can change rapidly, especially in the spring, and fire departments can rescind permits when that happens.

You are allowed to burn:

  • Brush, cane, driftwood and forestry debris (but not from commercial or industrial land clearing)
  • Agricultural materials including fruit tree and bush prunings, raspberry stalks, and infected beehives for disease control.
  • Trees and brush from agricultural land clearing
  • Fungus-infected elm wood; if no other acceptable means of disposal is available

You may not burn:

  • Leaves
  • Brush, trees, cane or driftwood from commercial or industrial land clearing
  • Grass, hay, leaves, stumps or tires
  • Construction materials or demolition debris
  • Household trash

The Granby Fire Department asks that you keep fire extinguishing materials handy. These should include a water supply, shovels and rakes. The water supply can be a pressurized water fire extinguisher, pump can, or garden hose.

Fire Chief O'Neill reminds residents to burn as close as possible to the source of material being burned. All open burning shall be at least 75 feet from all buildings. A competent adult should be present during the burning.

Any day a resident, wishes to burn, they please call the fire station at 467-9696 to see if burning will be allowed that day and to provide the address so the fire department can track the locations of permitted fires.

Agricultural burning permits will also be available. Agricultural burning is allowed for burning of brush and trees resulting from agricultural land clearing operations. Please call the Granby Fire Department at 467-9696 for permission as above.